in those long-ago before Covid days, Billy Harris, widely considered America’s preeminent auctioneer, was a weekly feature as the master of ceremonies of the highest caliper food events. If you paid a slew of money to have dinner at Nancy Silverton’s home in Umbria, like famed Oscar-winning producer Darla K Anderson did last year, Billy sold it to you. Not Billy “maybe” sold it to you. He did.

Harris had risen to the top of his field by starting off at the bottom, delivering Puerto Rican snacks to the shut ins in the South Bronx during “The Days” on the ‘80s.

Now, however, Harris is back to square uno. With no auctions, Harris, like most of the country, finds his old job doesn’t cut it anymore. So ever resourceful he has figured out what people in Los Angeles can’t do without; tacos.

Last week he became part of the now trending movement of ‘Drop Drop Droppin’ At Nancy’s House (Bob Dylan released the single Saturday. ) as he brought several pork, beef and mushroom tacos from the highly sought after Tijuana based mini chain Tacos 1986. Nancy and her boyfriend ate them standing up.

Unlike the 1980s when Harris worked alone in one of America’s roughest neighborhoods, this time he has help form his wife Sharon and daughter, G. The good news is you won’t have to spend $50,000 for a auctioned lunch. Harris actually lost money on this delivery.

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