When Suzanne Tracht fell ill recently and rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, family, friends, colleagues and fans around the nation were thrust into a quandary.

How would the countless admirers of Tracht, the chef/owner of Jar restaurant in Los Angeles, stay informed about her condition? Fortunately, Tracht, as sick as she was, knew this as well. And she had the solution.

She hired back her former press secretary – and rumored lover – Michele Huckabee Rivera to oversee the information released to the not only the media, but those very people who were worried sick that Suzanne was sick.

(Tracht has been at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for the past nine days with a mysterious illness that had classic Covid-19 symptoms including fever, back ache, extreme difficulty breathing, but she tested negative of the virus five times. Doctors are still not sure what the problem is and it still might be Covid despite the negative tests. The good news is the last two days she has been improving.)

Rivera began by announcing over a week ago she wouldn’t be able to handle all the calls and message requests for Suzanne’s condition individually, but set up a group system which became known as “Sue’s News”.

Sue’s News soon went viral.  By Thursday afternoon, more than 100 million people worldwide were following Huckabee Rivera’s updates.

“Michele has been a savior for me,” said Tracht, whose complex diagnosis was interpreted by Michele in words understandable to most, although both Nancy Silverton and Michael Krikorian had some issues with the briefings.

For example, several times they asked each other  “What that hell does she mean by that?” and “Why is she on ‘anti-fungal meds?  Is she allergic to porcini or morels?”

Chris Baron, Tracht’s financial advisor, said Huckabee Rivera was doing “a nice job in a difficult situation. But, what I want to know is who is taking care of her dogs. Please don’t tell my wife Teri i said that. I don’t want to give her any ideas.”

Still, Michele Huckabee Rivera has been tremendous on all fronts, both in encouraging and loving Suzanne and informing the public.

“I don’t know what I would have done without her,” Suzanne said.

Neither would have we.

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