“You don’t understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody, Instead of the bum, which is what I am.” - Terry Malloy in “On The Waterfront”

Try and picture CNN’s political analyst John King playing Terry Malloy, the role considered by me to be the greatest performance of Marlon Brando’s - or any actor’s - career. King’s version of the movie’s classic taxi cab back seat scene where Malloy explains his life to his brother Charlie. would go something like this.

“You don’t understand. I coulda had class, provided that 78% of the opponent’s available fist space, including 88%-92% of the index, ring and fuck-you fingers, traveling at a speed of 103 miles per hour during 45% or less humidity conditions and his fist clenched to at lease 75% clenchibilty, connected with my jaw while i was leaning back 16. 3 to 19.3%, there by reducing the power of the punch by 34%, I coulda been a contender, if, of the 1, 508 boxers in the light-heavyweight class. at least 67% of them had either server back aches that needed 600 to 800 grams of Motrin every 168 minutes, and I coulda been somebody if 89.7% of the actual “somebodies decided to take up another craft. “

I prefer Brando’s Malloy. To me, King’s version has too many numbers, but I’m not a numbers guy.

If you are a number gal or guy . you would be mesmerized by John “The Spew” King’s record breaking performance the last three days on CNN. King shatter all known record for using percentage points, for saying the word “if” and for leaving a sizeable portion of the viewing public looking at each other and saying. “What the hell is he talking about?”.

BREAKING NEWS - At press time, Ruth Krikorian, a spokeswomen for MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki said he would attempt to break the record tonight. She offered this Twitter feed to promote her case.
