Photograph By Famed Journalist Hacked Then Posted By Award-Winning Pastry Chef, Tillerson Demands Investigation

A landmark photograph depicting morning gelato-making taken by famed journalist Michael Krikorian was hacked and then posted on Instagram by Dahlia Narvaez, the James Beard Award-winning pastry chef of Mozza, authorities said Wednesday.

The photograph, which shows Joycelyn Martinez mixing a 9 a.m. batch of Cookies 'n Cream gelato as chef Nancy Silverton samples some, could have garnered the crime reporter the exclusive "100 likes" that he has been seeking on Instagram,  Within one hour and 15 minutes of Narvaez's posting, the colorful shot had already earned 96 likes.

"This is an outrage," said Rex Tillerson, CEO of Exxon and president-elect Donald J, Trump's  pick for Secretary of State. Tillerson, who  has close ties with Russian and has stated suspected Russian hacking during presidential election is not worth looking into, called for an investigation into what he dubbed "GelatoPhotogate". "It's just plain wrong."

A spokesperson for Narvaez said there was "absolutely no hacking at all involved."

"Krikorian sent her the photo on his own," said Ralph Waxman, speaking outside Narvaez Tower.  "He didn't know Jocelyn's last name and asked Dahlia for it. Hacking? Hardly."

Regardless, the photograph was widely hailed as "among the most significant of its kind", according to professionals.

"The beauty of this photograph is it gives an inside look to morning gelato making," said Pierre Hermes, director general of the Photography Department of the Louvre Museum in Paris. "When we think of gelato, we don't think of morning. But, here it is. Stunning."   

As for Krikorian never having a Instagram that received "100 likes", a internet analyst said it was the journalist's "redundancy" to blame. 

"Almost every photograph he posts has either Nancy, Chile Rico or Eva in it," said Ryan Vito DeNicola, CFO of GetMoreLikes, Inc. "He needs to diversify. The Cookies 'n Cream shot could have been the one. Even though it did have Nancy in it, she was not the focus."

At press time, a scheduled Thursday night dinner at "Broken Spanish" with Krikorian and Silverton joining Narvaez and her husband, chef Chris Feldmeier, was listed as "Unlikely".
